Longlisted and Exhibiting

This year I was grateful to be longlisted for the international Visual Art Open once again for the third year. I feel deeply grateful, the entries were fantastic. Visual Art Open Longlist Certificate I also made it into the Hidden Images open call with Cista Arts London and I’m currently exhibiting among a small group…

Finding Community In The Garden of Eden (Festival)

https://edenfestival.co.uk https://www.facebook.com/theedenfestival enquiries@edenfestival.co.uk Arrival And Context Eden Festival is situated in Raehills Medows near Moffat in Dumfries and Galloway. It was founded in 2009 as a breakaway element of the Wickerman Festival, situated near Kircudbright in Dumfries and Galloway (sadly closed its doors in 2016). For the first time I attended Eden festival from the…

A Path

I create some artwork, that is just for creation’s sake, for the enjoyment of experimenting, creation and relaxation. Creativity is good for our health and wellbeing and is an essential part of living a balanced life. Creativity comes in many forms. My main artwork is more profound, it is about capturing a moment within society. An empathic yet controversial storytelling piece that reflects a mood or tone.

Visual Arts Open 2022

Deeply grateful for being shortlisted in the Visual Arts Open again this year. Those that go on to the final will be announced nearer the end of September and will be exhibiting in London this year. Wishing everyone well. I’m humbled for this opportunity once again. Much gratitude, thank you to the wonderful group of…

Grace In The Face Of Adversity

Meet ‘Grace’ 84cm x 59cm (840mm x 590mm) mixed media on MDF. Throughout this blog there are themes that are beginning to clearly emerge for deeper exploration within this being human journey. This painting captures one of them, facing adversity. It is representative of a heart response to such experiences. This piece is part of…


I created this piece in response to arising awareness of the inequality of privilege. I named it ‘Grief’ as this awareness holds so many stories of the effects that the creation or manifestation of privilege leaves behind in its trail. This painting is called ‘Grief’ a 91cm x 71cm (910mum x 710mum) on Canvas Mixed…

VAA Exhibition Accompanying Speech

Visual Artists Association Spring Art Exhibition 2021 You are invited to attend the Spring 2021 exhibition by the Visual Artists Association (VAA) launching today. My artwork is exhibited here, you will find me in Gallery One ©️ Information below is my accompanying speech which introduces my piece above that was selected. It is called ‘Divine’:…

Plot Twist

I had grown to have a sense of what I would really enjoy doing with whatever time I had left of this life and was aiming toward it. This has deeply and profoundly shifted, quietly, slowly, in an almost unnoticeable plot twist. I have shifted. Well whatever ‘I’ is. ‘I’ have no need to discover…

Visual Arts Association

  Massive announcement!!! Tonight I was in utter surprise that my artwork was successfully selected to feature in such an international art exhibition! I’m humbled and shocked as a first timer applying to anything like this it has thrown me. I did not expect to be selected at all. The artwork selected is from ‘The…

Meaning Making

Today I was wonderfully reminded of a quote that was incorporated in an earlier post In Search of Meaning (ii), it still resonates deeply and was a delight to read once more. It is still as pertinent to this creative journey I am undertaking, so much so I wanted to share it once again. “The…

What Is It That Exists?

©️ Stacie Amelia Contemporary Fine Artist · Inadvertent Incognita ©️ Spoken Word Poem This poem was inspired by an interpersonal exchange this week. Inadvertent Incognita When you think, feel and know that you lived, there’s a story of what happened but nothing to prove that it did. Nothing of substance than can be touched to…


After five years of not connecting with music something has truly shifted. Music was always a go to, a place to feel and find voice for the inner world. Since diagnosis of MS in 2015 I had thought that this loss…

Covid-19 Experience

Pre Virus As you will know from previous posts I have been undergoing treatment with a chemotherapy tablet, this means that I have been sheilding. It has been 16 weeks now (4 whole months). I began ‘quarantining’ off my own back early in March (official lockdown began on the 23rd) The Virus Unbeknown to me…

Our Map?

There has been so much that has occurred since the end of last year that has deeply and profoundly affected my heart and being. I don’t want to get into detail for now but it has me thinking about our lives and when we are no longer here. Where is the evidence of our story?…